About the Author

“While Terrorism is a war that starts developing within the mind,
Religion is a war that antagonizes our conscience, but
Love is alway a war within the heart…..
Lori F.5/2002 Share The Peace!

Ringo & Lori

Ringo my 18 yr. old who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 7/10/21 following his brother Bandit who passed on in 2015.

About the author

Lori Foroozandeh

Profile Image for Lori Foroozandeh.

About me:
I was born on 12-11 at the time of 12:11, which to me was very odd. I am not one to follow any superstitions or doctrines based on numerology but the way my life has went I now wonder if that birth-date and time, which coincide so perfectly, might in all actuality have a purpose.

Mohammad & Lpri (1996)

I lived in Shiraz,Iran from 1998 – 2001. I taught English in Shiraz. I also operated an Immigration Consulting Business in Iran. I value Iran, Iranians and Iranian Culture. My stay in Iran turned out to be a catastrophe, which can be read in my book.

I obtained my BSN (Bachelors of Science in Nursing) from Northern Michigan University in 1995, and obtained my MSN (Masters of Science in Nursing) from Shiraz Medical University in Shiraz, Iran in 2000.

I have learned a lot in life and one thing is, to never say never about anything because life is a paradox. I have also learned that you can learn from anyone, even if you learn how NOT to be like someone you still have learned.

My previous occupations have been and they are diverse but all true, and allow me to elucidate one thing here and now …. These occupations are in no way related to me being Impressionable 🙂 Army: (I married my recruiter after watching the movie Private Benjamin…and they say I’m impressionable…no I’m NOT!

Truck Driver: To stay mobile after going AWOL from the Army; after finding out my sister was “dating” my husband back home.

Nurse: (Received my BSN in the USA and my MSN in Shiraz, Iran): Had to do this cuz I was dating a doctor…see still not IMPRESSIONABLE 🙂

Corrections Officer: Dating a very high official at the prison…go figure 🙂 Exotic Dancer: An escape from reality and highly drugged on illicit drugs. English Teacher: Taught English in Shiraz, Iran: This by far was my most rewarding occupation. Influential Mentor: This is a tricky one to define: this is based on the premise of: Teaching and conveying to anyone including yourself that with the right amounts of self-belief you or anyone can become anything or anyone; thus you create your own reality. Including the right to be confident in life.
Therefore don’t believe in anything unless you want to and if you want to then nothing is impossible…

…So…never dismiss anything…life is exactly WHAT YOU MAKE IT… this I THOROUGHLY BELIEVE! :)”

THERE now you have listened to the same speech I’m sure your parents gave you! We SHOULD LISTEN TO our ELDERS they really are wise, I should know it I’m 60!!!

Here are some links that might help you figure out if your up to reading a book like this. It was a very horrific 6 weeks. and some of the chapters are very dark, unimaginable, and you really won’t believe what still happens in other cxountries.

“Lori’s Song”

Though she endured a childhood of physical and sexual abuse, nothing would ever equal what happened to her in Iran the weeks following 9/11.

Lori, an American married to an Iranian, had been working and living as an ordinary member of Iranian society for almost 4 years when she had heard rumors that the U.S. was going to be attacked. That was on September 9, 2001. She tried and failed to call home and give warning.

The news that all those rumors were horribly true came on September 11th 2001. That was when her husband suddenly announced that they had to go back to the States in case there were repercussions.

On September 12, 2001, Lori and her husband were at the Shiraz bus terminal intending to catch a bus to Istanbul and from there to Heathrow and home to the U.S.A. They were totally unprepared for the convoy of troop carriers that suddenly drove up and the armed men who came pouring out to take the hapless couple prisoner.

There was no explanation offered. The men took Lori’s husband one direction and she another, pushing them blindfolded into the back of the troop carriers with other prisoners, mostly Iranian.

Who the armed men were was anybody’s guess but they took their prisoners to POW camp in unfamiliar territory and there, Lori was held, tortured, raped, and starved with them for over a month. Her husband was not to be seen again.

Lori was rescued with one of her fellow inmates by the girl’s family and, after riding a llama for 1-2 days over mountainous terrain; she arrived at the Iran Immigration center. By then, she weighed in at only 70 pounds, was still suffering from the many injuries she’d received at the hands of her torturers, and wanted badly to get home to her family in the USA. Even then, she had to fight Iranian Islamic bureaucracy to have permission to go, as the husband was unavailable to grant it. In any Islamic country, unknown to many western women, the husband or guardian’s permission is always required for a woman to travel anywhere.

Lori had been married to Mohammad for 9 years and thought she could trust him but, since their arrival in Iran in 1998, his personality and behavior had changed so radically as to make this most recent nightmare highly suspicious.

The events told here are true. It was no coincidence that this American citizen had been placed into a concentration camp. In fact, it raises many questions and should be a caution to many!
Caution: There are very graphic details of the sadistic behaviors that were carried out on these victims by these so called “Muslims”. It is also very inspirational and educational on traveling to foreign countries.